Monday, January 26, 2009

Let is snow

I'm happy to say that I'm following a training plan now and am out of my random training mode. Today was a scheduled day off for me.

It's snowing here in St. Louis! Could possibly be our first decent snow this year, so I thought I'd provide a everyone for a few cold and snowy weather training tips.

1. If it is icy out, do not train outside.
2. When dressing to run outside in the cold weather, dress like it is 20 degrees warmer then it really is.
3. Don't overdue your layers when dressing to training outside. A base layer, a mid layer, and an outer layer if necessary is really all you'll need.
4. When dressing to bike outside in the cold weather, dress warmer then you think you'll need to dress. A layer that blocks the wind is a necessity.
5. Wear a hat when biking or running.
6. Mittens work best to keep your hands warm.
7. Make sure you drink fluids even though it's cold and you may not sweat much.
8. Take an extra dry warm jacket with you to put on for the car ride home.
9. Don't attempt any hard interval work, as the cold weather can make it difficult to get your legs warmed up.
10. Take a warm shower and stretch after your workout.

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